Monday 21 February 2011

Only Sultanate of Sulu in Sabah has never been beaten

There are many comments that the Sultanate of Sulu has never been
beaten in battles but indeed has lost the war through treaties. Among
the Sulu Sultanate regions only Sabah had never been beaten even by
the Americans who subjugated the Sulu Sultanate in the Philippines
because Sabah had been rented to the British. So the only team that
had never been beaten is in Sabah, not Brunei. Brunei had been
conquered and destroyed many times by the Spaniards and British. So
will the Mahadi be coming from Sabah???

"Translation of Hadith from Ibnu Majah: Al-Mahdi will come after the
Black Flags from the East where this team usually has never been
beaten by any other team."

Menurut riwayat hadith yang sah, Imam Mahdi dikatakan akan muncul dari
negara negara belahan sebelah timur, jadi ada kemungkinan bahawa
negara Islam timur di rantau Melayu seperti Malaysia, Indonesia dan
Brunei. Ini di diriwayatkan didalam hadith Rasullah SAW. iaitu:-

Sabda Nabi SAW:
Al-Mahdi akan datang setelah muncul Panji-panji Hitam dari sebelah
Timur yang mana pasukan itu selalu tidak pernah kalah dengan pasukan
mana pun.(Ibnu Majah)

Sabda Nabi SAW:
Orang ramai daripada Timur akan muncul, kemudian menyerahkan
kekuasaannya kepada al-Mahdi.

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