Wednesday 23 October 2019

Analysing UM student protest against VC

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Picture of student with placard:
WHY VC must resign:
1. Being a Political Puppet
2. Infringing Academic Freedom
3. Promoting racism & hatred
4. Failing to protect student's constituttional rights
5. Failing to solve UM's financial crisis

1. Being a Political Puppet
DAP is now in power. DAP is a chinese dominated party despite claiming to be multi-racial.
They are claiming to be fighting for Malaysians, but promote Mandarin schools and discourage Muslim symbols in their school, such as the objection to artistic Jawi scripts, mistaken for being an Islamic symbol. The implication here is that despite amounting to only 30% of the population and recent migrants to Malaysia, they want Malaysia to adopt Mandarin.

2. Infringing Academic Freedom
This student objected to the VC for attending the Malay Dignity Congress, organised by academics.
It is the student who is against Academic Freedom.

 The VC's speech:
"9. In the light of that, based on a question and the question was raised, Malay Studies Center of Excellence, University of Malaya, together with Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris and Universiti Teknologi Mara, joined forces to investigate the unrest and anger the Malays / Bumiputra."

Academic Freedom does not mean that you should break the law. Telling lies e.g.
Maybe his supportes, the UM lecturers and GERAK can explain further what he meant by restricting Academic Freedom here. 
3. Promoting racism & hatred

" 5. Worse yet, after 62 years of enjoying independence, the economy of the Malays still like inferior. Corporate Equity Malay / Bumiputra than 23.4%. Non-Bumiputeras held 34.8% and foreign equity 37.2%. This shows that the goals of the New Economic Policy have not yet been achieved.

6. That's not all. Household income gap also widened, with total revenues Malay Bumiputra 3.5 times lower than the average of the Malaysian Chinese community in 2016.

7. The world of education is increasingly challenging. National education is complemented by race-based education. Malay is no longer so much so that the National Education Philosophy milestone challenged. In fact, lately, the special rights of the Malays, Islam, the monarchy, began to question one by one.

8. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen. Shouldn't that political power be ours. Isn't the result of this country supposed to prosper us? Doesn't that education unite us as Malaysians? Have the rights of the Malays enshrined in the Federal Constitution should have been completed."

What is so racist about that speech?
There are a lot of Malay words indeed, but they are based on facts.
This is what I worry the most. This chinese student and his supporters, UM lecturers and GERAK, consider that the constitution is racist for mentioning Melayu. The VC is considered as racist for mentioning Melayu, or Malay.

This is something new. Saying the word chinese to chinese is also taboo, because it will incite racial violence. I was told about it by my Malay friends the moment I set foot on Malaya(Tanah Melayu), in 1976.

You may think it is a joke and had disappeared, but the Edi Rejang case showed that it was still alife. A Malay guy was questioned by the police, lost his children places in a chinese school and lost his job, just because he called a chinese lady a chinese, because he was angry that the underaged lady was servicing beer at Giant.

So many posters defended her as her right to serve beer at the non-halal section of a supermarket, Giant.To these chinese, Muslims are not allowed to pass through non-halal section. If they do, then, they have no right to complain about anything illegal happening at that place.

Actually there is no such law. Even in pubs, where alcohol can be served legally, Muslims are not forbidden to enter. Just do not drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol is forbiddent o Muslims, at the pub, at public places or at home. Non-Muslims are also forbidden to drink alcohol at public places, especially supermarket.

4. Failing to protect student's constituttional rights
What rights?

The VC was also mentioning about the constituitional rights of Malay. This student must have complained that the constituition was against the rights of chinese students.

This is preposterous but I worry the most his supporters, the UM lecturers and GERAK.
"Have the rights of the Malays enshrined in the Federal Constitution should have been completed."
Wrong translation. Should have been "completely accomplished".

The rights are mentioned as:
"In fact, lately, the special rights of the Malays, Islam, the monarchy, began to question one by one."
Began to be questioned.

If you read his student's sentence, it is not just questioning, but challenging the constitution by saying that his rights is denied with the implementation of the constitutional provision for Malay.

"National education is complemented by race-based education."
The VC did not question, just noted that education is now race-based, mentioning the chinese and tamil secondary schools.

This student must have thought that the VC has not protected his constitutional rights when the VC complained about the neglect about the provision for the Malay rights in the constitution.
This neglect is based on facts:

"5. Worse yet, after 62 years of enjoying independence, the economy of the Malays still like inferior. Corporate Equity Malay / Bumiputra than 23.4%. Non-Bumiputeras held 34.8% and foreign equity 37.2%. This shows that the goals of the New Economic Policy have not yet been achieved."

The excuse by chinese is that the Malays are lazy and corrupt, which is truely racist, instead of just racial.
This is despite the presense of Malay engineers, scientiest, professors, lawyers and billionaires. It is just that they are not enough. They do not reflect the percentage of the Malays by population, that is 60%.

A lot of Malays were duped into thinking that the NEP had been a complete failure.
Even this VC mentioned it.

"6. That's not all. Household income gap also widened, with total revenues Malay Bumiputra 3.5 times lower than the average of the Malaysian Chinese community in 2016."

In my opinion, without the NEP, the gap would have been wider. It is true that there are a lot of waste, but sufficient amount managed to filter through.

One reason for failure is the racist nature of the chinese. This protest is a clear example of it. And he is not alone. He is supported by a lot of UM lecturers and GERAK.

Despite evidences of the chinese true racism, instead of the false racism that the chinese complained about, the Malaysian government approach is the gentle approach. Even denial.

There is not even any anti-discrimination law or even official anti-discrimination investigation. Just dump money into more NEP.

UM VC speech at Malay Dignity Congress

Transkrip Ucapan Naib Canselor Universiti Malaya dalam Kongres Maruah Melayu, 6 Oktober 2019
.....(Kata-kata aluan)....
1. Kongres yang dianjurkan secara bersama oleh empat buah universiti, mempunyai satu matlamat utama.iaitu menyatukan orang Melayu bagi mengangkat semula kegemilangan umat Melayu di negara ini
2. Usman Awang pernah berkata."Melayu itu pengembara lautan, melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman.Begitu luas daerah sempadan. Begitulah hebatnya Melayu. Merentas samudera, meneroka dunia."
3. Tetapi, setelah 62 tahun merdeka, adakah kita masih menjadi bangsa yang diangkat maruahnya, dihormati kehebatannya. Tentu tuan-tuan bertanya-tanya, mengapakah kita berada di sini.
4. Hadirin dan hadirat sekalian. Setahun yang lalu, berlaku peralihan tampuk kepimpinan negara. Maka lahirlah harapan orang Melayu untuk melihat masa depan yang lebih terjamin. Malangnya, peralihan ini disulami perpecahan politik Melayu, sehingga menghilangkan dominasi politik Melayu.
5. Lebih parah lagi, selepas 62 tahun menikmati kemerdekaan, ekonomi orang Melayu masih ibarat melukut di tepi gantang. Ekuiti korporat Melayu/Bumiputra sekadar 23.4%. Manakala bukan Bumiputra memegang 34.8% dan ekuiti asing 37.2%. Ini menunjukkan sasaran Dasar Ekonomi Baru masih belum tercapai.
6. Bukan itu sahaja. Jurang pendapatan isi rumah juga makin melebar, dengan jumlah pendapatan Melayu Bumiputra 3.5 kali ganda lebih rendah berbanding kaum Cina bagi purata Malaysia pada tahun 2016.
7. Dunia pendidikan pula semakin mencabar. Pendidikan kebangsaan disaingi oleh pendidikan berasaskan kaum. Bahasa Melayu bukan lagi tonggak sehinggakan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan tercabar. Malahan, akhir-akhir ini, hak keistimewaan Melayu, agama Islam, institusi raja, mulai dipersoalkan satu-persatu.
8. Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian. Bukankah kuasa politik itu seharusnya milik kita. Bukankah hasil-mahsul negara ini sepatutnya memakmurkan kita. Bukankah pendidikan itu boleh menyatukan kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Bukankah hak orang Melayu yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan sepatutnya sudah selesai.
9. Justeru itulah, berdasarkan soal-soalan yang dibangkitkan, Pusat Kajian Kecemerlangan Melayu Universiti Malaya, bersama dengan Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris dan Universiti Teknologi Mara, bergabung tenaga bagi meneliti keresahan dan kegusaran orang Melayu/Bumiputra.
10. (Penerangan tentatif pembentangan dan penyerahan resolusi)
11. Kami berharap, dapatan kongres ini menjadi ikrar penyatuan tanpa mengira latar ideologi, demi maruah dan masa depan orang Melayu.
12. Hadirin dan hadirat yang dihormati sekalian. Selaku Pengerusi Penganjuran Kongres Maruah Melayu, saya amat gembira melihat sambutan luar biasa yang diberikan kepada kongres ini atas nama perpaduan Melayu. Ini menunjukkan Melayu Islam di negara ini mampu bersatu demi perpaduan bangsa dan kemajuan negara. Dalam konteks negara ini, adalah mustahil kemajuan dapat dicapai tanpa penglibatan kelompok majoriti di kalangan anak negeri.
13. (Ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan)
14. ...Semoga Allah S.W.T. memberi kekuatan kepada kita untuk terus mengangkat maruah melayu di negara ini demi memartabatkan Melayu/Bumiputera, Melayu Islam dan membangunkan negara ini bersama kaum-kaum lain.

Google Translated:
Transcript of Speech by Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya in Malay Dignity Congress, October 6, 2019

..... (Welcome words) ....

1. Congress organized jointly by four universities, has a goal of uniting the Malays utama.iaitu to lift back the glory of the Malays in the country

2. Usman has said. "Indonesia's ocean adventurers, history lane Himself zaman.Begitu border area. That's great Malay. Across the ocean, exploring the world."

3. But, after 62 years of independence, are we still a nation to be respected, respected by its power. Of course you guys are wondering, why are we here?

4. Attendees and attendees. A year ago, there was a sudden change of state leadership. Thus was born the Malays hope to see a more secure future. Unfortunately, this shift was embroidered with Malay political divisions, eliminating the Malay political dominance.

5. Worse yet, after 62 years of enjoying independence, the economy of the Malays still like inferior. Corporate Equity Malay / Bumiputra than 23.4%. Non-Bumiputeras held 34.8% and foreign equity 37.2%. This shows that the goals of the New Economic Policy have not yet been achieved.

6. That's not all. Household income gap also widened, with total revenues Malay Bumiputra 3.5 times lower than the average of the Malaysian Chinese community in 2016.

7. The world of education is increasingly challenging. National education is complemented by race-based education. Malay is no longer so much so that the National Education Philosophy milestone challenged. In fact, lately, the special rights of the Malays, Islam, the monarchy, began to question one by one.

8. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen. Shouldn't that political power be ours. Isn't the result of this country supposed to prosper us? Doesn't that education unite us as Malaysians? Have the rights of the Malays enshrined in the Federal Constitution should have been completed.

9. In the light of that, based on a question and the question was raised, Malay Studies Center of Excellence, University of Malaya, together with Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris and Universiti Teknologi Mara, joined forces to investigate the unrest and anger the Malays / Bumiputra.

10. (tentative description of presentation and submission of resolution)

11. We hope that the findings of this congress to pledge consolidation regardless of ideology, dignity and future of the Malays.

12. Dear attendees and attendees. As Chairman of the Congress Organizing Malay Honor, I am very pleased to see the overwhelming support given to the congress on behalf of Malay unity. It shows the Malay Muslims in this country are able to unite for the sake of the unity of the nation and the country's progress. In the context of this country, progress would not have been possible without the involvement of the majority group among the natives.

13. (Acknowledgments and thanks)

14. ... May Allah S.W.T. give us the strength to continue to raise the dignity of the Malays in this country for the sake of upholding the Malay / Bumiputera, Malay Muslim and develop this country with other races.

Malay and Islam are threatened by PH government

This is an absolute liar. When saying anything that has to do with Melayu is already condemned as RACIST, not just racial, the threat is very real. It is about survival from extinction, death.

Do you know who racists are?
Hitler is a confirmed racist. He exterminated jews because they are inferior race.

Ku Klux Klan, white South Africans that supported Apartheid, Segregation laws in USA, are all racists.

Earlier, my information was incomplete about the VC speech but once I got it, it is certain that what the chinese student was complaining was that the VC mentioned Melayu in his speech. Just imagine, mentioning Melayu is already racist, and the chinese feel threatened enough to incite racial violence.

The view of the chinese students are supported by DAP politicians, UM lecturers, GERAK, association of lecturers, dominated by chinese, no doubt.

As long as these humiliation of history, fact and constitution by so called academics are still allowed, Melayu and Islam are threatened, because to these violent racists, Melayu is Islam, as noted by their objections to learning artistic Jawi.

They are the true racists. Who on earth will be threatened by people calling themselves Melayu and fighting for their rights and trying to improve their situations that were not respected, despite the provisions of the constitution? Only racists.
 KUALA LUMPUR: Islam and the Malay community in Malaysia are not under threat, Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said today, after the Perlis mufti said Amanah appeared “very loyal” to DAP.
Salahuddin, who is also the agriculture minister, said the status of the Malays and Islam under the Pakatan Harapan administration had not been challenged or eroded.
“The idea of Amanah being dwarfed by DAP is a repetitive issue. It’s been discussed again and again in the past, but Amanah does not care about that.
“What is important to us is to use the power we have to uphold the position of the Malays and Islam as stated in the constitution,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby.
Salahuddin was responding to Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin’s remarks earlier today about Amanah’s relationship with DAP.
Asri said the PAS splinter party “has a knack of following DAP’s stance on various issues while refraining from commenting on issues pertaining to the Muslim community”.
He cited Amanah’s silence on the controversy surrounding the “Belt & Road Initiative for Win Winism” comic book and the arrest of individuals allegedly linked to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
Describing Asri’s claims as baseless, Salahuddin said Amanah was “very strict” about LTTE and had never compromised with terrorism.
On the comic book, he said that the rule of law should apply if it was found to have crossed the line.
“I want to make it clear that this is recycled and cheap propaganda that is meant to attain support from the Muslim community,” he said of the party’s critics.
“When Amanah was with PAS, they played the same music and said PAS was dwarfed by DAP as well. This music will be played forever.”