Monday 20 June 2011

Only Parliament can restrict the freedom of Assembly according to the Malaysian Constitution

This constitution is very clear. There is a right to assemble
peacefully but parliament can subject it to restrictioins, but not to
the point of effectively denying the right of assembly.
It is just plain English. If you effectively deny this right by
allowing policemen to issue permits at will without just causes as
outlined by this constitution, this clause is null and void, making
the whole constitution invalid. It also does not comply with the
conditions of Malaysian UN membership.
The Police must justify that it is in the interest of the Federation.
Allowing the decision to be made by Policemen and plain magistrates
is just clearly against the wording of this constitution, making that
law invalid.
Since it is just not practical to allow Policemen and Judges to decide
on the security of the Nation, Only Parliament, as the highest
governing body can prevent a peaceful assembly and ONLY BY LAW.
The older versions of this article disallow even Parliament to
restrict the right for free speech and assembly, but now it is amended
so as to restrict these rights. However since the Freedom of Assembly
has to be written down first, the meaning of the first sentence,
overide any wordings after it.
You cannot just say, you have the right to freely eat anything on the
table, but I do not allow you to eat it.
This is just plain bad English. If judges can't even understand simple
and plain English language, also true for any language, they don't
have the right to be Judges.
We have stupid judges, which is for sure, based on past judgements by
the Federal courts, but we have no right to stop it at the moment
since most of the voters agree with these judgements by voting for the
BN governments that appoints these judges.
For Bersih to go against these Policemen who clearly violate the
constitution by not PROVING BEYOND DOUBT that the assembly is not
peaceful, SINCE THE ASSEMBLY has not even started, it is like
negotiating with Gangsters. You cannot win with arguments.
Why the need to go beyond reasonable doubt? because the constitution
demands it.
"all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms"
So they can assemble anytime then. But can be restricted,
ONLY "in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part
thereof, or public order"
That means you can assembly FIRST, and later to be judged if it is
against the security or public order.
This is what the English or any language, will mean if interpreted
with honestly and properly. Only bloody dishonest and crooked people
will interpret it any other way.
The intention of the BN government AND all voters who vote for it, is
to restrict the freedom of Assembly, but the only way you can do it,
is by removing the words, "Freedom of Assembly", once and for all, and
stop all these hypocrisies.

Voters must understand the consequences of removing the fundamental
principle of Democracy such as the Freedom of Assembly. It will mean
economic hardships. You may think that you have peace in return, but
look at natioins who restrict freedom of assembly versus DEVELOPED

A lot of Malaysians like to argue that Malaysians are special. They
are superhumans. Unfortunately facts had proven them otherwise.
Malaysia is now a pariah nation with the worst economic well being
despite having such immense resources.
What Malaysians like to be proud of was past British era of
development, not the Malaysian era. During the Malaysian era, it was a
constant decline. With the removal of democracy, Malaysians will find
out how superhumans they are.
Article 10 of the Malaysian Constitution:
1 Subject to Clauses (2), (3) and (4) —
* (a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and
* (b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and
without arms;
* (c) all citizens have the right to form associations.
2 Parliament may by law impose —
* (a) on the rights conferred by paragraph (a) of Clause (1), such
restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the
security of the Federation or any part thereof, friendly relations
with other countries, public order or morality and restrictions
designed to protect the privileges of Parliament or of any Legislative
Assembly or to provide against contempt of court, defamation, or
incitement to any offence;
* (b) on the right conferred by paragraph (b) of Clause (1), such
restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the
security of the Federation or any part thereof, or public order;
BERSIH Lambang Kejujuran Dan Kebebasan Pilihanraya Malaysia
post info
By Anwar Ibrahim
Categories: Agenda Baru, Aktiviti, Analisis, Anwar, Demokrasi, Isu
Semasa, KeADILan, Malaysia, Media, Pakatan Rakyat, Parlimen,
Persidangan, Pilihanraya, Politik, Program, Sidenotes and Umno
1 Comment
Dari keadilandaily
KEADILAN mengesali sikap kerajaan Umno Barisan Nasional (Umno BN)
terhadap himpunan aman BERSIH yang diadakan pada 9 Julai ini, kata
Presidennya, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Menurutnya, ugutan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) mengesahkan Umno BN
menyekat kebebasan rakyatnya untuk berhimpun.
"Himpunan BERSIH adalah kejujuran dan kebebasan sistem pilihanraya di
negara ini.
"Ruang dan hak rakyat memilih wakilnya secara bebas adalah aspek
integriti politik terpenting yang dituntut rakyat mutakhir ini, "
katanya dalam kenyataan media.
Himpuan BERSIH katanya, bakal menguji pendokong dan penentangnya.
"Di pihak pendokong, ia akan menguji kesepakatannya menuntut sistem
pilihanraya lebih adil dan telus manakala penentang perlu membuktikan
kesediaannya menjadi lebih terbuka dan bertolak ansur," katanya.
Oleh itu, kata beliau, menjadi tanggungjawab penganjur dan peserta
himpunan BERSIH untuk mengelak dari sebarang konfrontasi akibat
provokasi pihak tertentu.
"Saya menyeru penganjur berjaga-jaga dan peserta wajar mengetahui
selok belok amalan himpunan aman dan melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu
keselamatan sebelum berhimpun.
"Kita juga berharap pihak berkuasa khasnya Polis bersikap profesional
dan menyambut baik tawaran penganjur untuk bekerjasama bagi menjamin
kelancaran himpunan," katanya.
Beliau turut mengingatkan penentang BERSIH agar menghormati hak
sebahagian besar rakyat Malaysia yang mahu berhimpun secara aman,
sebagaimana hak kumpulan tertentu untuk berhimpun dihormati selama
"Sejak penubuhannya, KEADILAN komited untuk membaiki sistem
pilihanraya Malaysia dan himpunan BERSIH adalah lambang kepada usaha
"Maka, KEADILAN memastikan anggotanya turun beramai-ramai menyertai
ratusan ribu rakyat Malaysia pada 9 Julai ini," tegasnya.
Sementara itu, pada hari ini, KEADILAN menjadikan himpunan BERSIH
sebagai tema utamanya bersempena berlangsungnya Konvensyen Pilihanraya
Kebangsaan parti itu.

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