Sunday 2 December 2018

Is “cina keturunan babi” racist and incite hatred?

To some people yes.

But to these people, to be called “cina” or “chinese” is already racist and insulting.

Our official policy now is to consider it as insulting, but it is only applied in West Malaysia.

In Sabah, where I live most of the time, this is not the case. We identify them with their races and sub divisions. Again, this is only true in the Eastern part of Sabah. In the West Coast, the Kadazans, part of the Dusun tribes have a strong movement in creating a strong ethnic group KadazanDusun.

A lot of Malaysians consider Sabah as a model of racial tolerance. My theory is due to our pride in our individual identities. This is again not true for Filipinoes in the West Coast or those in West Malaysia. They felt insulted when asked about their race, and I suspect they lied about their true races.

My belief is that for true racial harmany, we just need to be honest. Lying will only complicate matters and leads to racism. Categorising races in Malaysia as Malay, Chinese, Indians, Natives will only lead to frictions among the races. These major divisions are created to enhance unity in each of these divisions so they lie about their races in order to gain legal advantages.

That is why even facebook allows people to consider calling anyone chinese as insulting and racist. I think similarly for Jews. It is not surprising when you consider that the founder Mark is a Jew and his wife Chinese.

This is ridiculous. It is not according to facts and logic. It will be disastrous sooner or later.

What actually is racism?

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
‘a programme to combat racism’

So any antagonysm is considered racist, even the truth. so catching a thief of a different race is called racism? Certainly not correct but widely used. Especially by chinese and jews, and this facebook reviewer.

Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity

Racism cannot be used against one individual of a race.

In Malay, the word “cina” alone refers to an individual or a country. To refer to a race, we must attach the adjective “bangsa”, or “race”.

“keturunan babi” means “descendents of pig”. It is a deregatory word used by Muslim Malays against anyone who eat pork. It can be applied to all other races, including, non Muslim Malays.

Is it deragotary, but not racist. It is applied to many races. Ok, you may call it anti-religion but it does not apply to vegetarians. It is just the view of one religion over the others. I am sure vegetarians do not look kindly to all the carnivorous humans.

From the perspective of the chinese or pork lovers, can it ever be deregatory?

For example, I love eating fish, even sharks. Do I feel threatened when labelled as shark-eaters?
The speaker may think it is deregatory, but for me, it is an honour. Sharks may be our enemies, but its strength and speed in water is something to be admired.

So why should the chinese feel insulted when called "descendents of pigs"? They love eating pork, so they must be proud of pigs. If the chinese feel insulted, it is just they are too senstive and look for excuses to feel insulted. Just like being insulted when called chinese.

Going back to the word "cina" that looks like it is referrng to a race. I have explained that it is directed to a person.
Malays like to insult other Malays with the word "Melayu Bangsat".

It does not mean that entire race is bangsat (very bad, unprincipled). Only that he is a traitor to the Malay race.
So when we say, Cina Bangsat, it means the chinese who betrayed the chinese race by being bangsat, not the whole race.

Similarly for the Cina Keturunan Babi. He refers to her as a chinese who betrayed her race as descendents of pigs. That means he acknowledges that some chinese are not. He must have thought that pig genes are not infused to some chinese so are more acceptable.

This misunderstanding is due to poor command of Malay. The Chinese do not mix with Malays, and only learn Malay in schools. In schools they are not taught how to insult others.

How about Melayu Mudah Lupa, a book, written by our Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad?

It is only a book title so grammar is not strict. The meaning defaults to a singular person. A Malay tends to forget easily. Or An Englishman Tends to Forget easily. It is never meant to condemn the entire race, although Dr. Mahathir's intention is to refer to the entire race, including himself. True to Dr. Mahathir's style, he does not use the correct grammatical form Orang Melayu Mudah Lupa, if he wants to refer to the entire race.

Does the author of the phrase "cina keturunan babi" intends to insult the entire race?
Maybe, but the grammar and usage of the words does not support it.
He probably exploited the chinese ignorance of the Malay phrase to maximise the insult on her.

And yet, the hypocritical chinese insults the Malays using the same phrases to the PM, Sultans of Malaysian States and the Bugis Race, as descendents of Pirates.

Similarly for the Jews. The Jews are the ones who complained of being subjected to racism and yet disallow Arab residents from returning to their homes or get citizenship, but allowing Jewish immigrants automatic citizenship, which is clearly racism, in all definitiions.

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