Thursday 6 December 2018

Conservatism vs Liberalism
There are some good arguments in this youtube but they all miss their points.

The lecturer repeated say that being in that University is a privilege.
For ordinary listener, you do not realise the implication of what he is saying.

It is not easy to go to that university. It means that, even though you have money, you may still not be able to get into that university. Which is not the whole truth. You may not have money to pay tuition fees.

What listeners do not realise is that money is not taken into account  by that lecturer. He assumes that only academically deserving students are allowed in that university.

Why would they argue about placement? It is about affirmative action policies in USA, where places in a university is reserved to minorities or races that had been subjected to discrimination.

The lecturer argued that affirmative action is completely wrong because a deserving student will lose places to a less qualified student and correcting racial discrimination in the past is completely wrong. Which is exaggerated. Just becasue you cannot catch all criminals, does not mean that we should abolish all criminal laws.

In ethical considerations, facts must be observed and exaggerations avoided.

Affirmative action policies can still be implemented despite discriminatory practises just like income tax policies, in order to maximise the resources of the nation and increasing the livelihood of its citizens.

One simple way is to stick to academic results, instead of ability to pay. In that way, the standard of education does not drop. So scholarship money should be given to people who really cannot afford it, and it should be paid back or bonded with work obligations.

Giving monetary rewards to best achievers has some good but it should not be overdone.

There are other issues that should be addressed. What is important is to stick to facts.

There are other videos spread by these conservative groups that are the backbone of President Donald Trump. If we have time, we should try to listen to them and understand their viewpoints.

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