Tuesday 6 August 2013

Singapore now has the best Universities

This is the ranking for Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

NTU is ranked 31. I know NTU very well because I taught there from 1990-1993 and remember
Prof Er Meng Hwa well because he sent my daughter to hospital with his car and he is from the same school.

The ranking may be 31 but if you read the optional *, you notice that it achieved *****+, which is the same as MIT, the number 1 ranked and NTU is the only one below MIT which achieves similar * rating. If you read the details in the * ranking, these include employability and facility which are important to me whereas other higher ranked universities such as the University of Oxford, ranked 5 only get 3 stars for facilities.

Malaysia only has the University of Malaya ranked in the 101- 150 rankings. South Korea has a few in the 51-100 rankings.

Just look at the website below. It may show the secret for the success of Singapore.

Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) 
The Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) is a global partnership between Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological Univeristy (NTU).
Founded in November 1998 to promote global graduate science & engineering educational research, SMA is the world's largest interactive distance education initiative. The partnership taps world-class engineering expertise, ideas and technology required for cutting-edge research to fuel Singapore as well as the region's growth as an innovation and education hub.
Please visit the SMA website at: http://www.sma.nus.edu.sg for more details.

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