Saturday 23 October 2021

Quran must be read with understanding, verse 69 Yasin

Abdullah Yusuf Ali
(36:69) We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur’an making things clear: 


وَمَا عَلَّمْنٰهُ الشِّعْرَ وَمَا يَنْۢبَغِيْ لَهٗ ۗاِنْ هُوَ اِلَّا ذِكْرٌ وَّقُرْاٰنٌ مُّبِيْنٌ ۙ 69. Dan Kami tidak mengajarkan syair kepadanya (Muhammad) dan bersyair itu tidaklah pantas baginya. Al-Qur'an itu tidak lain hanyalah pelajaran dan Kitab yang jelas,

So clearly Quran is not poetry. It is a lesson and gidance for muslims. To read it without any understanding is certainly treating it like poetry, which is specifically denied by this verse.

Then why are so many muslims told to read quran without any understanding? There are so many hadiths where muslims are encouraged to read the quran and spread it even if it were just one verse, and yet there are so many muslims who stop muslims from reading with understanding, because muslims are not supposed to use their brains in interpreting the quran, but must rely on ulamas or scholars for their interpretation.

No such requirement that muslims must stupidly follow what the scholars are saying about the quran, while reading the quran blind and dumb. This advice is certainly against all hadis and quranic verses.

What makes it worse is that these scholars never agree with each other. The simple conclusions are that they are all wrong. They cannot be right if they all disagree with each other.

If the scholars are all wrong, what hope do ordinary muslims in getting the interpretation of the quran correct? Most of us will therefore get it wrong but we are commanded to read the quran with some understanding. So, it means that it does not matter that we are wrong, as long as we refer to the original words of the quran and hadith, interpreted with noble intentions, we should not be condemned.

Furthermore, a lot of imams will recite verses of the quran and give overall meanings of the verses so these should be sufficient for us to obey this verse 69 of Yasin. Better still, we should double our efforts to read translations. Many scholars support this view, and many qurans appear with phrase by phrase translations, and overall verse translations. This is my main quranic reading material from now on.

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