Saturday, 23 October 2021

Quran must be read with understanding, verse 69 Yasin

Abdullah Yusuf Ali
(36:69) We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur’an making things clear: 


وَمَا عَلَّمْنٰهُ الشِّعْرَ وَمَا يَنْۢبَغِيْ لَهٗ ۗاِنْ هُوَ اِلَّا ذِكْرٌ وَّقُرْاٰنٌ مُّبِيْنٌ ۙ 69. Dan Kami tidak mengajarkan syair kepadanya (Muhammad) dan bersyair itu tidaklah pantas baginya. Al-Qur'an itu tidak lain hanyalah pelajaran dan Kitab yang jelas,

So clearly Quran is not poetry. It is a lesson and gidance for muslims. To read it without any understanding is certainly treating it like poetry, which is specifically denied by this verse.

Then why are so many muslims told to read quran without any understanding? There are so many hadiths where muslims are encouraged to read the quran and spread it even if it were just one verse, and yet there are so many muslims who stop muslims from reading with understanding, because muslims are not supposed to use their brains in interpreting the quran, but must rely on ulamas or scholars for their interpretation.

No such requirement that muslims must stupidly follow what the scholars are saying about the quran, while reading the quran blind and dumb. This advice is certainly against all hadis and quranic verses.

What makes it worse is that these scholars never agree with each other. The simple conclusions are that they are all wrong. They cannot be right if they all disagree with each other.

If the scholars are all wrong, what hope do ordinary muslims in getting the interpretation of the quran correct? Most of us will therefore get it wrong but we are commanded to read the quran with some understanding. So, it means that it does not matter that we are wrong, as long as we refer to the original words of the quran and hadith, interpreted with noble intentions, we should not be condemned.

Furthermore, a lot of imams will recite verses of the quran and give overall meanings of the verses so these should be sufficient for us to obey this verse 69 of Yasin. Better still, we should double our efforts to read translations. Many scholars support this view, and many qurans appear with phrase by phrase translations, and overall verse translations. This is my main quranic reading material from now on.

The definition of takwah, verse 45 Yasin

Taku in verse 45 of surah Yasin is a verb that means fear. Takwah can be viewed as being derived from this verb. I realised this when Ustaz Hamka elaborated on this but pointing out the relationship of takwah to fear, or "takut".

The explanation given in wkipedia, 
gives an indication of reliance on god alone, certainly rebuked by hadith and verse 47 of Yasin, with the penalty of being labelled as kafir.

This misinterpretation of the quran and hadis has led to the anti vaccine beliefs that rely on Allah for protection. Or even on natural immunity which is proven to cause much more deaths and damages compared to vaccines. So it is very important to get the interpretation of tawakkal correct.

The malay interpretation appears to be more in line because tawakkal must be accompanied by efforts but unfortunately, the translations of tawakkul is simplified to just relying on Allah.

[ta.wak.kal] | توکل

Definisi : berserah kpd Tuhan setelah ber­ikhtiar, percaya dgn sepenuh hati kpd Tuhan (dlm penderitaan, kesusahan, dll): fikirannya menjadi amat sabar, ~ dan menyerah; habis akal baru ~ sesudah dijalankan ikhtiar (dan jika tidak berjaya) barulah berserah kpd Allah; bertawakal berserah kpd Tuhan setelah ber-ikhtiar, tawakal: manusia hanya perlu ber-usaha, bersabar dan ~, pesan Ustaz Aminudin; ketawakalan keadaan tawakal: hal tersebut diandaikan sbg suatu ~ kpd kekuasaan Allah. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

QS. Yasin Ayat 45

    وَاِذَا قِيْلَ لَهُمُ اتَّقُوْا مَا بَيْنَ اَيْدِيْكُمْ وَمَا خَلْفَكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُوْنَ

    45. Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka, “Takutlah kamu akan siksa yang di hadapanmu (di dunia) dan azab yang akan datang (akhirat) agar kamu mendapat rahmat.”

Ustaz Hamka, in his Indonesian interpretation of the quran, quoted the word taku, as tawakkal, but in Malaysian translation such as the above link and my book by Karya Bestari, Alquran Perkata Kaedah Berwarna Mu'jam, translated taku to " takut" in Malay, as pointed out by Hamka. However Hamka elaborated it further to mean more on submission to Allah.

We should never add words in the quran. If the quran states that it is fear, it should be fear. We cannot guess on the meanings of the quran. We may not understand fully the choices of words but we must never change the words. If the word is fear, fear it should be.

In fact fear is a better description of tawakkul. It does not require additional phrases for it to become practical and in line with hadith. Fear of Allah is also submission to Allah but it does not mean relying on Allah. Verse 45 clearly shows us to be cautious because we fear the wrath of Allah. It also conveys humbleness in that despite our best efforts, the outcome is not certain, it is still up to Allah. Just as vaccination is not certain to cure all our Covid19 problems. We still need additional precautions.

Verse 47 of the same surah Yasin, clearly indicates that relying on Allah alone is kafir. The example shown is the belief that poverty is ordained so it is up to the poor to uplift themselves out of their poverty. They cannot rely on intervention from others such as taxes from other well-off people.

We cannot rely on surviving Covid19 pandemic by not taking precautions because we leave it to god. In fact this is the phrase that Muslims use in not getting vaccinated. Allah will protect muslims. No need for vaccines. Vaccines will just weaken their bodies because their bodies are too lazy to fight off diseases.

If you read verse 47, you can equate it to saying that Allah will make Muslims rich. No need for help from others. Giving money to poor people will just make them lazy. Then you are kafir if you believe in this.

Similar, you are kafir if you believe that Allah will protect Muslims, despite not being vaccinated, because you believe that getting infected naturally is ordained by Allah but will make your bodies stronger.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Quran Condemns All Muslim Nations as Kafir

 Quran Condemns All Muslim Nations as Kafir

Verse 47 of surah Yasin

In the verse 47 of surah Yasin,

Selected from one of them:


(36:47) And when they are told, “Spend ye of (the bounties) with which Allah has provided you,” the Unbelievers say to those who believe: “Shall we then feed those whom, if Allah had so willed, He would have fed, (Himself)?- Ye are in nothing but manifest error.”

These translations are not clear but the key words are "infa" and "rezeki". "infa" is not just charity but a form of taxation because it is an allocation or reservations. "rezeki" is income of entities.

The subsequent phrases clarify further that the these reservations are to feed, not just giving food.

This statement clearly condemns the Muslim nations for not providing for the poor using Social Welfare like ALL developed nations, but instead provide the forbidden subsidies to selected food items or even luxury items such as petrol.

The "rezeki" of the individuals or the nation is meant for the poor, i.e. those who cannot eat whole food, not for the rich also as what subsidies will provide. Worse, using subsidies, the really poor cannot be fed because they cannoy buy any food items, no matter how cheap they become because of subsidies.

Unreasonable Reasons

The reasons given by muslims in these nations are that we will encourage the poor to become lazy, which is just similar to accepting the fate of the poor people. They are poor, so they remain poor because it is their fate. Nations or individuals in muslim nations have implemented actions that prolong poverty.

Muslims do feed them on individual basis or during emergencies or special circumstances but this verse refers to feeding all the time. Not just for a few days or just provide rice or bread, which cannot make humans eat healthily. Human beings need balanced food to survive. They need protein and vitamins.

The Quran actually condemns these practises of people professing to be muslims as kafir, which is unbelievers.

Muslims will argue that after professing the syahadah, they are already muslims forever, but this verse clearly states that they are no longer believers.

Muslims may also argue that this verse is for unbelievers, but if a muslim thinks and acts like an unbeliever, can he still be considered a muslim? Certainly not. Not the way this verse had been written.

Malay Translation

I was confused by the English translations of the quran, but when I read the Malay translation, it became obvious that the Quran condemns so called modern muslims as kafir.

وَاِذَا قِيْلَ لَهُمْ اَنْفِقُوْا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللّٰهُ ۙقَالَ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا لِلَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْٓا اَنُطْعِمُ مَنْ لَّوْ يَشَاۤءُ اللّٰهُ اَطْعَمَهٗٓ   اِنْ اَنْتُمْ اِلَّا فِيْ ضَلٰلٍ مُّبِيْنٍ 47. Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka, “Infakkanlah sebagian rezeki yang diberikan Allah kepadamu,” orang-orang yang kafir itu berkata kepada orang-orang yang beriman, “Apakah pantas kami memberi makan kepada orang-orang yang jika Allah menghendaki Dia akan memberinya makan? Kamu benar-benar dalam kesesatan yang nyata.”

In the Malay translation, the original arabic words are retained and are actually part of the Malay language. As Malay is my first language, I interpret these words in the Malay versions so I was confused by the English translations because they are not consistent with the Malay version.

Encourage to work hard

The arguments that Muslims like to put forward in supporting subsidies instead of outright cash handouts like social welfare is to encourage the poor to work for a living, no matter at how low the wages are.

In fact, this is the actual result. Salaries in muslim nations dropped to such low values that the poor become poorer, while the rich become richer. Instead of condemning subsidies, they blame the wrong type of subsidies and their amounts, but whatever they tried, had failed so far.

Selective Cash Handouts

Muslim nations will also argue that they have cash handouts, like the Malaysian BRIM. The amount is so low that it cannot feed the poor throughout the year so they still need to work for low pay in order to survive. Again, the reason for not giving too much BRIM, is to stop abuses by the poor people by not working anymore. Examples of homeless and drunkards in developed nations are given as excuses to not give sufficient amount of cash handouts that these poor no longer need to work in order to survive. Without any evidence whatsoever, but with evidences proving otherwise.

By doing this, muslims condemn the poor to become poor forever. Forcing the poor to work to earn food despite their limitations is precisely to let these poor people to accept their fates to be poor, precisely what this verse condemns as kafir.

These Excuses Predicted by the Quran

The Quran predicts all these excuses, but still insists that taxation is to provide for feeding people, not just giving food. The Quran condemns all those arguing against these policies as kafir, and even proceed to the next verse with more condemnations for all these excuses.


(36:49) They will not (have to) wait for aught but a single Blast: it will seize them while they are yet disputing among themselves!

مَا يَنْظُرُوْنَ اِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَّاحِدَةً تَأْخُذُهُمْ وَهُمْ يَخِصِّمُوْنَ 49. Mereka hanya menunggu satu teriakan, yang akan membinasakan mereka ketika mereka sedang bertengkar.

Economic Practicality

Social Welfare 

 You can see from the above list that there is not even a single Muslim nation included, but all developed nations have social welfare,even among the richest Muslim nations do not offer social welfare. They prefer subsidies compared to social welfare, which are clearly forbidden by the verses in the Yasin quoted here. The revenues of the states are to feed the poor.


Subsidies are generally condemned by economic experts.


Reasons for Undeveloped Muslim Nations

All Muslim nations are not developed. This is a reality. You can argue that Turkey is an exception but it is pale compared to even South Africa. Turkey tried to reach a developed status by building machines forcefully but its subsidy ravaged economy cannot support these grandiose projects for long.

The problems can only be traced by the policies of Muslims themselves. It is a pity because Muslims have been awarded with the Quran and the surah Yasin is a very compact reminder of the viable polices and yet Muslims are the ones who ignore the teachings of the Quran.

In fact, the Islamicity index put Muslim nations very low in its index.


Possible Reasons Why Muslims are Undeveloped 

Muslims like to codemn their leaders as being corrupt but none seemed to mind subsidies. As to subsidies helping the poor less, almost all muslims will say that they are poor enough so deserve these subsidies. As for the really poor, they only provide resources for them to survive a day or two. The reasons could be that the poor are expected to work hard in order to earn a living but this is against the Quranic intention because Quran does not expect people to rely on their fate or taqdir. In fact the Quran clearly condemns those who rely on their fates as kafir, undelievers, the highest sin in Islam. Unfortunately the Quran does not state it directly. It only gives example of the kafirs as those who condemns the poor as being fated by Allah.

Muslims are trained to rely on prayers for every action. For example, when someone is sick, they will pray to be well. Similarly, when someone is poor, they will pray to be rich. They do not seem to realise that these actions will lead to relying on fate alone which is completely forbidden by the quran as shown in the verse 47 of the Yasin. The Quran will condemn those who believe that the poor deserve their fate as being poor because Allah has ordained them to be poor. You can extend this condemnation to those those who are sick.

This kind of interpretation of the Islamic teaching is not strange to me because this is how I practise it since I can remember. I realised that it is illogical to rely on prayers first before we try anything first. God has created human beings on earth to live and it does not sense then that god will intervene just because we request for them. I need to remind people to try to solve problems themselves instead of going to prayers at the first instance. They call it accepting taqdir, i.e. accepting fate. I never like it, but I did not know that relying on fate alone is kafir, the highest sin in Islam. I am not against prayers. Human beings are helpless in many instances despite their best efforts, so in these circumstances, we must pray so that we are not frustrated. Be careful with what we pray for, because it can become like the movie Wonder Woman, 1984.

Monday, 11 October 2021

“The chapter of Yasin is the heart of the Quran.”

After reading the translation of Surah Ya Sin, I realise that it summarises the philosophy of Islam and challenges that Muslims face, which are very close to reality. This is demonstrated by the Covid19 fiasco.