Sunday 22 September 2019

Whither Integration?

Reasonable article but biased against Muslims.
The reality is that Muslims and bumiputras are still the poorest despite all the accusations of racism
directed at them.

 The chinese like to say that they are also poor, but it was an eye-opener for a chinese who went to actually visit some poor malay community.

But it was only supposed to be just one incidence. No poverty statistics to verify the charge or racism.

Despite all the poverty, the Malays still appear nice to the non-Malays, but not true vice versa. No reason was investigated.

As for absentesim among government teachers as not being rampant, it is actually not true. It depends on what you consider as rampant. To some above 50% will only be rampant. Or only proven, and action taken cases, are considered rampant. Not true. Most cases were not reported and even if reported, no action were taken. One case in Sabah alone had been brought to court.  Absent the whole year even.

The problem with uncivilised nation like Malaysia is that, law breakers are not sufficiently punished. Most get away. Most are even proud of them, like double parking, despite there being free parking spaces. Worse, no action taken against them, not even a scolding.

How to solve the problem? Just complain lah. Just do not lie, which is another big problem.

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