Sunday 14 October 2018

Anwar's Election Result in Port Dickson

Hypocrites like Nazri and libelers like Saiful, thought they can fool honest people. They are wrong. They can only fool idiots and people with black hearts.

Many people, like Daim Zainuddin, accused Anwar of being a hypocrite by pretending to be better than he really is, meaning, by abstaining from women and alcohol, Anwar pretends to be holier than what he actually is.

Many people also accused Anwar of being power crazy, so impatient to gain power that Anwar is willing to sacrifice the Malay race by breaking its unity. Unity in disgrace is stupidity and cruel. Just because you are evil, do not expect other people to be evil as well.

That power craziness of Anwar is easy to prove to be false. Look at all the ass lickers in UMNO. They still remained with UMNO because they are the real power crazy people. Anwar left because he stuck to his principle. Justice and fairness above others, not even unity or power. Anwar could just have tolerated all the corruption and injustices around him, if he had wanted to become Prime MInister quickly.

If Anwar were the holy men type, he would have just joined PAS, where he was most welcomed, but he did not. Anwar enjoyed his life with activities such as horse riding where he broke his neck. I heard, Anwar even went Scuba diving.

Anwar even tolerated corruption around him as long as he is not aware of it. I heard that during the UMNO battle to capture Sabah from UMNO, Anwar's operation room smelled of money. Even in the PD election, he went to the Army camp and attend dinners sponsored by his supporters, which were questionable election practises by an incumbent political party. There were other practises that Anwar was accused of, which just proved that Anwar was flexible, not extremist. If you want extremist, go to PAS and DAP. Even, they were duped into doing questionable practises.

I still remembered very well why chinese hated Anwar. Anwar was deemed as racist for allowing non-Mandarin certified teachers to become Principals in Mandarin schools. Anwar should have stuck to fhis principle that the best qualified should be the leader, not based on some racial prejudice. True to his style, Anwar gave in. So now, the racist practises made victims of teachers like my colleague's wife, a Mandarin-speaking but not certified teacher, because she teaches English and Maths, will never be considered for promotion to become a Principal.

That is the weakness of Anwar. He is too flexible. In contrast to Mahathir. My nature of character favours Anwar's style, but that does not mean that success will be guaranteed. I hate Mahathir's style, but sometimes, that is what is needed.

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