Thursday 22 August 2019

We need gangsters as leaders to lead a nation full of gangsters

I just discovered lies about Maza's statement.
An article wrote that Maza like Salam hussin. Complete lie.
But he made an interesting observation which I missed. Sadam Hussin is a gangster. That is for sure. But only he was able to stabilise Iraq. Iraq was more peaceful. So he said, we need gangsters to manage gangsters.
Malaysia now is full of gangsters. Threatening violence with the least provocation, even when told the truth. Even willing to lie also. The only way to control these gangsters is to have a gangster as the leader of Malaysia.
That is why Mahathir had been more successful in making Malaysia more stable. I withdraw support from Anwar. He lied about Malays not wanting to learn English. He humiliated Zakir by lying about his statements. Even the jawi issue he lied about jawi not being in textbooks even before this controversy. He accepted the demands of Chinese gangsters such as dong Jong a few decades ago, and even now accepted the lies that jawi is to promote Islam.
Anwar claimed to promote justice among races and religion but he is so weak that he became puppets of gangsters who spread lies and issue threats. Justice is only upheld if truth is defended in full, without fear. Without true justice, there will be no peace.
Now how did the Mongols became Muslims? They were portrayed as blood thirstily murderers but they only apply justice. An eye for an eye. Their ambassadors were murdered by the Muslim rulers, and other Muslim rulers also supported these murders, so can only be considered as murderers themselves. As Muslims, they should realise that the only punishment for them is to be killed as well, and all civilians who supported them are equally guilty. Worse, in Islam, there is no forgiveness if done deliberately, here and hereafter. The Mongols even gave warnings a few time at great loss of lives.
Mongols just apply Justice to these Muslims who do not even obey the commandments of their religion. When the Mongols found out that Islam supported their actions, and sense of justice, no wonder they were attracted to it.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Islam is the fastest growing religion because it is willing to fight

 "Islam is the fastest growing religion because it is willing to fight"

A very interesting theory from the book: 

Small Wars: Low-Intensity Threats and the American Response since Vietnam

page 117